Wednesday, 8 October 2014

slim your way happy

Ok, so a recap on the milestones I have set myself so far:

1) be me
2) can't change others
3) sleep 8 hours a night
4) leave the phone alone
5) spend more time outdoors
6) invest in exercise

When reading articles on people and society, and happiness one thing that really strikes me when reading on other peoples journey's are the same phrases that I seem to read over and over "I would definetely be happier if I was slimmer".  I have pondered over this a lot, and I cannot judge for others if being slimmer will make you happier, but I guess I can be true to myself and analyse myself.

The first thing I did when trying to analyse this was look back at pictures of myself to remember what it was like when I was a few stones lighter, I did have a romantic notion that I was so much happier then. But photograph upon photograph... I was barely smiling.. actually I would go as far as saying I looked miserable.  The photos also triggered memories, the emotions that ran through me were that of sorrow and pain. Was I really that unhappy?

So, for me, being slimmer did not make me happy, there was too much unhappiness around me.  If I am totally honest, food is a very central part of my life, I love cooking, entertaining around food, eating out. Who am i kidding, I can't live on celery and detox juice? Maybe that was why I was so miserable before because I wasn't being me.  My suspicions are that when you are unhappy, its usually a complex array of events and never one thing, but dieting and not caring about food does contribute to my unhappiness. So here I am, being me. I am far happier now than I have ever been, even though the demands of my every day life are immense, far more than in the past.  So be me Zahra. Forget the no carb malachy and enjoy food.

However, saying that, another realisation that i have is that some foods don't make me happy, they leave me feeling bloated and lethargic.  The classics are chocolates and cakes. For that split second as you put it into your mouth, you get this moment of happiness. However for hours after, I have a feeling of unhappiness. With activities that give you both happiness and unhappiness, you need to decide how much of each you get and if its worth it. For chocolates and cakes its 1 minute of happiness vs 180 minutes of unhappiness. So here is my next happiness project, cut the cakes. Not because I want to slim myself down, but they don't make me feel good at all.  I am not going to cut them out completely, but cut them down to only twice per week.

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